Here are some macros I've written for Microsoft Excel and Visio. Since I wouldn't have been able to write these without the examples provided by many other people and put on line, I'm releasing them under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

I've only run these from Microsoft Excel 2003, so your mileage may vary. If they cause problems on your system, you can't sue me, you use them at your own risk, etc. etc. I also make no promise that they'll work for you at all. These macros are written in VBA, which is being phased out in favor of signed code.

Excel 2003 Macros

There weren't too many examples online that showed how to use VBA in conjunction with TestDirector, so here are the macros I wrote to get the information my bosses required.

These macros are designed to connect to a Mercury Interactive TestDirector database and does some heavy processing. The EmailReport macro isn't required by the UpdateReport macro, but it can be reused for other things fairly easily.


This subroutine is used to create an Outlook email message that sends an attachment to the listed people. You can remove the filepath parameter and the Attachments.Add line to create a generic email subroutine.

Sub EmailReport(filepath)
    sendTO = "String_for_email_address_1;String_for_email_address_2;"
    sendCC = "String_for_email_address_1;String_for_email_address_2;" 'optional
    sendBCC = "String_for_email_address" 'optional
    Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    myItem.To = sendTO
    myItem.CC = sendCC
    myItem.BCC = sendBCC
    myItem.Subject = "String that sets the subject."
    myItem.body = "Message text." & vbCrLf & "More message text." & vbCrLf
    myItem.Attachments.Add filepath 'optional. comment out if you don't need it.

    On Error Resume Next
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox ("Message NOT sent.")
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0

    Set myOlApp = Nothing
    Set myItem = Nothing
End Sub


This function is needed by UpdateReport. It finds the number of defects that match the criteria specified in the parameters passed when calling the function.

The parameters are as follows:

connection = The name of the TestDirector TDConnection object.

defectType = The status of the defects the function should return (fixed, open, new, etc.).

defectDetectDate = The date the defects were discovered (as listed in TestDirector).

priLevel = The priority level of the defects (A, B, C, etc.).

Function UpdateDefectCount(connection, defectType, defectDetectDate, priLevel)
    Dim bugFact As BugFactory
    Set bugFact = connection.BugFactory
    Dim fltr As TDFilter
    Set fltr = bugFact.Filter
    fltr.Filter("BG_STATUS") = defectType
    fltr.Filter("BG_DETECTED_BY") = "client"
    If defectDetectDate <> "" Then
        fltr.Filter("BG_DETECTION_DATE") = defectDetectDate
        fltr.Filter("BG_DETECTION_DATE") = ">=MM/DD/YYYY" 'after or equal to some date
    End If
    If priLevel <> "" Then
        fltr.Filter("BG_PRIORITY") = priLevel
        fltr.Filter("BG_PRIORITY") = "*"
    End If
    Dim defectCount As Long
    defectCount = 0
    For Each Bug In fltr.NewList
        defectCount = defectCount + 1
    Next Bug
    UpdateDefectCount = defectCount 'return the # of bugs to appropriate cell.
End Function


This function will look through the provided worksheet and find the date the UpdateReport macro was run. This macro is tied to the Summary worksheet in the daily defect tracking Excel workbook. You should probably modify it to suit your needs.

Function FindLastRunDate(sheet)
	Dim ws As Worksheet
	Set ws = sheet

	Dim colrange As Range
	Set colrange = sheet.Columns("E")

	Dim rowcounter As Long
	rowcounter = 0

	For Each c In colrange.Rows
	    If c.Value <> "" Then
	        rowcounter = rowcounter + 1
	    End If

	Dim lastDate As Date
	lastDate = sheet.Cells(rowcounter, "E").Value
	FindLastRunDate = lastDate

End Function


This macro was developed to solve a very specific need on one of my contracts. I've stripped out a lot of the identifying features of the macro. Skilled VBA/Office programmers will look at it and probably find a lot of areas that could be written more efficiently. If you'd like to comment about the quality of the code you can, but please remember these things:

  1. The code did everything my boss wanted it to do.
  2. In the six months I ran the macro, it ran without problems every workday.
  3. The macro took a process that used to take two hours a day and reduced it to three minutes a day.

That being said, I'm sure there has to be a way to get the macro to run more efficiently. There are a lot of nested select elements, and the TestDirector buglist/history list puts quite a demand on the processor.

Sub UpdateReport()
On Error GoTo CheckError
    'connect to TestDirector
    Dim server, domainname, domainpassword, username, password As String
    server = "http://SERVERNAME/tdbin" 'for some reason putting a trailing slash on this causes it to fail.
    domainname = "DEFAULT"
    domainpassword = ""
    username = "Your TestDirector User Name"
    password = "Your TestDirector Password"
    Dim tdc As New TDConnection
    If tdc.Connected Then 'clear out any old connections before starting a new connection.
    End If
    tdc.InitConnection server, domainname
    'connect to correct project
    tdc.ConnectProject "Project name as string", username
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.StatusBar = "Connected to TestDirector..."
    'get bugs from TD
    Dim bgf As BugFactory
    Dim bg As Bug
    Dim bgl As List
    Dim bflt As TDFilter
    Dim bgc, bc As Long
    Dim bugstr As String
    Dim his As History
    Dim hisRec As HistoryRecord
    Dim hisList As List
    Dim startdate As Date
    Dim numDays As Long
    Dim wkdays As Long
    Dim myrange As Range
    Dim nr, rc As Long
    Dim wsDactVol As Worksheet
    Dim wsDActSumm As Worksheet
    Dim wsSummary As Worksheet
    Dim wsDetailedHistory As New Worksheet
    Dim wsStatSheet As New Worksheet
    Dim detHistName As String
    Dim genStatName As String
    Dim consultantcount, clientcount, csnf, actCnt, oAc, oBc, oCc, oDc, oEc, oFc, oGc, cAc, cBc, cCc, cDc, cEc, cFc, cGc, _
    nfAc, nfBc, nfCc, nfDc, nfEc, nfFc, nfGc, fAc, fBc, fCc, fDc, fEc, fFc, fGc, rjAc, rjBc, rjCc, rjDc, rjEc, rjFc, rjGc, _
    rtAc, rtBc, rtCc, rtDc, rtEc, rtFc, rtGc, oT, cT, nfT, fT, rjT, rtT, totA, totB, totC, totD, totE, totF, totG, _
    cnt, onetime, twotime, threetime, fourtime, fivetime, sixtime, seventime, eighttime, ninetime, tentime, _
    eleventime, twelvetime, thirteentime, fourteentime, fifteentime, sixteentime, seventeentime, eightteentime, nineteentime, twentytime As Long
    Dim dateArray() As Date
    Dim intI, intj As Integer
    Dim dt As Date
    Dim detHistRowCount As Long
    Dim summLastRow As Long
    Dim summNextRow As Long
    Dim davLastRun As Date
    Dim davLastRow As Long
    Dim davNextRow As Long
    Dim dasLastRow As Long
    Dim dasNextRow As Long
    Dim r1 As Range
    startdate = #10/23/2006#
    Set wsSummary = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary")
    Set wsDactVol = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Daily Activity Volume")
    Set wsDActSumm = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Daily Activity Volume - Summary")
    detHistName = "Detailed Defect History"
    Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets("Summary")).Name = detHistName
    Set wsDetailedHistory = Worksheets(detHistName)
    wsDetailedHistory.Columns(3).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" 'detection date
    wsDetailedHistory.Columns(7).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" 'date closed
    wsDetailedHistory.Columns(8).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM" 'date status changed
    genStatName = "General Statistics Info"
    Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(detHistName)).Name = genStatName
    Set wsStatSheet = Worksheets(genStatName)
    davLastRow = wsDactVol.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    dasLastRow = wsDActSumm.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    summLastRow = wsSummary.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    summNextRow = summLastRow + 1
    detHistRowCount = 1
    'get only the records that were found by client after startdate
    Set bgf = tdc.BugFactory
    Set bflt = bgf.Filter
    bflt.Filter("BG_DETECTION_DATE") = ">=" & Str(startdate)
    bflt.Filter("BG_DETECTED_BY") = LCase("client")
    Set bgl = bflt.NewList
    bgc = 0
    bgc = bgl.Count
    bc = 0
    davLastRun = FindLastRunDate(wsDactVol)
    numDays = Date - davLastRun
    wkdays = networkdays(davLastRun, Date) - 1 'NETWORKDAYS computes an extra day. Finds 3 instead of 2. Subtract 1 to fix.

    ReDim dateArray(numDays) 'resize datearray to number of days to examine.
    intj = 0
    For intI = 0 To numDays 'put each date into date array
        dt = davLastRun + intI
        If Weekday(dt) > 1 Then
            If Weekday(dt) < 7 Then
                dateArray(intj) = dt
                intj = intj + 1
            End If
        End If

    davNextRow = 0
    davNextRow = davLastRow + 1
    dasNextRow = 0
    dasNextRow = dasLastRow + 1
    consultantcount = 0
    clientcount = 0
    actCnt = 0
    csnf = 0
    oAc = 0
    oBc = 0
    oCc = 0
    oDc = 0
    oEc = 0
    oFc = 0
    oGc = 0
    cAc = 0
    cBc = 0
    cCc = 0
    cDc = 0
    cEc = 0
    cFc = 0
    cGc = 0
    nfAc = 0
    nfBc = 0
    nfCc = 0
    nfDc = 0
    nfEc = 0
    nfFc = 0
    nfGc = 0
    fAc = 0
    fBc = 0
    fCc = 0
    fDc = 0
    fEc = 0
    fFc = 0
    fGc = 0
    rjAc = 0
    rjBc = 0
    rjCc = 0
    rjDc = 0
    rjEc = 0
    rjFc = 0
    rjGc = 0
    rtAc = 0
    rtBc = 0
    rtCc = 0
    rtDc = 0
    rtEc = 0
    rtFc = 0
    rtGc = 0
    oT = 0
    cT = 0
    nfT = 0
    fT = 0
    rjT = 0
    rtT = 0
    totA = 0
    totB = 0
    totC = 0
    totD = 0
    totE = 0
    totF = 0
    totG = 0
    cnt = 0
    onetime = 0
    twotime = 0
    threetime = 0
    fourtime = 0
    fivetime = 0
    sixtime = 0
    seventime = 0
    eighttime = 0
    ninetime = 0
    tentime = 0
    eleventime = 0
    twelvetime = 0
    thirteentime = 0
    fourteentime = 0
    fifteentime = 0
    sixteentime = 0
    seventeentime = 0
    eightteentime = 0
    nineteentime = 0
    twentytime = 0
    For intI = 1 To wkdays
        If wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 1) = "" Then
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 1) = Format(dateArray(intI), "mm/dd/yyyy")
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 2) = UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "*", "", "")
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 3) = UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "*", "", "A*")
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 4) = UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "Open", dateArray(intI), "") + UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "New", dateArray(intI), "")
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 5) = UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "Open", "", "") + UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "New", "", "")
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 7) = UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "Open", "", "A*") + UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "New", "", "A*")
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 8) = UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "Not*", "", "")
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 10) = UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "Not*", "", "A*")
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 11) = UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "Fixed", "", "") + UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "Re*", "", "") 'Re* = REjected/REtest
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 13) = UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "Fixed", "", "A*") + UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "Re*", "", "A*")
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 14) = UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "Closed", "", "")
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 16) = UpdateDefectCount(tdc, "Closed", "", "A*")
            wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 17) = wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 5) + wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 8)
        End If
        'calculate deltas (change from yesterday)
        wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 6) = wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 5) - wsSummary.Cells(summLastRow, 5) 'open
        wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 9) = wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 8) - wsSummary.Cells(summLastRow, 8) 'not fixed
        wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 12) = wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 11) - wsSummary.Cells(summLastRow, 11) 'fixed
        wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 15) = wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 14) - wsSummary.Cells(summLastRow, 14)  'closed
        For bc = 0 To bgc
            Set hisList = bgl.Item(bc).History.NewList("")
            For Each r In hisList
                Application.StatusBar = "Processing Defect " & bgl.Item(bc).ID
                If r.FieldName = "BG_STATUS" Then 'defect status changed, that's what we want to track.
                    detHistRowCount = detHistRowCount + 1
                    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(detHistRowCount, 1).Value = bgl.Item(bc).ID
                    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(detHistRowCount, 2).Value = bgl.Item(bc).Field("BG_USER_06")
                    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(detHistRowCount, 3).Value = bgl.Item(bc).Field("BG_DETECTION_DATE")
                    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(detHistRowCount, 4).Value = Left(bgl.Item(bc).Field("BG_PRIORITY"), 1)
                    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(detHistRowCount, 5).Value = bgl.Item(bc).summary
                    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(detHistRowCount, 6).Value = Left(bgl.Item(bc).Field("BG_STATUS"), 9)
                    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(detHistRowCount, 7).Value = bgl.Item(bc).Field("BG_CLOSING_DATE")
                    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(detHistRowCount, 8).Value = r.ChangeDate
                    If Format(r.ChangeDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") = dateArray(intI) Then 'date status changed matches date we're looking at now.
                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 1).Value = bgl.Item(bc).ID
                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 2).Value = bgl.Item(bc).Field("BG_USER_06")
                        Dim pri As String
                        pri = Left(bgl.Item(bc).Field("BG_PRIORITY"), 1)
                        Dim bstat As String
                        bstat = bgl.Item(bc).Field("BG_STATUS")
                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 3).Value = pri
                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 5).Value = Format(r.ChangeDate, "m/d/yy ss")
                        Select Case pri
                            Case "A"
                                Select Case Left(bstat, 3)
                                    Case "Ope"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 7).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Open"
                                        oAc = oAc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Clo"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 8).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Closed"
                                        cAc = cAc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Not"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 9).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Not Fixed"
                                        nfAc = nfAc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        csnf = csnf + 1
                                    Case "Fix"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 10).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Fixed"
                                        fAc = fAc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Rej"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 11).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Rejected"
                                        rjAc = rjAc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Ret"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 12).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Retest"
                                        rtAc = rtAc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                End Select
                            Case "B"
                                Select Case Left(bstat, 3)
                                    Case "Ope"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 13).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Open"
                                        oBc = oBc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Clo"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 14).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Closed"
                                        cBc = cBc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Not"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 15).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Not Fixed"
                                        nfBc = nfBc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        csnf = csnf + 1
                                    Case "Fix"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 16).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Fixed"
                                        fBc = fBc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Rej"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 17).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Rejected"
                                        rjBc = rjBc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Ret"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 18).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Retest"
                                        rtBc = rtBc + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                End Select
                            Case "C"
                                Select Case Left(bstat, 3)
                                    Case "Ope"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 19).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Open"
                                        oCc = oCc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Clo"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 20).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Closed"
                                        cCc = cCc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Not"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 21).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Not Fixed"
                                        nfCc = nfCc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        csnf = csnf + 1
                                    Case "Fix"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 22).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Fixed"
                                        fCc = fCc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Rej"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 23).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Rejected"
                                        rjCc = rjCc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Ret"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 24).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Retest"
                                        rtCc = rtCc + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                End Select
                            Case "D"
                                Select Case Left(bstat, 3)
                                    Case "Ope"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 25).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Open"
                                        oDc = oDc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Clo"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 26).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Closed"
                                        cDc = cDc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                    Case "Not"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 27).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Not Fixed"
                                        nfDc = nfDc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        csnf = csnf + 1
                                    Case "Fix"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 28).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Fixed"
                                        fDc = fDc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Rej"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 29).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Rejected"
                                        rjDc = rjDc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Ret"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 30).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Retest"
                                        rtDc = rtDc + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                End Select
                            Case "E"
                                Select Case Left(bstat, 3)
                                    Case "Ope"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 31).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Open"
                                        oEc = oEc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Clo"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 32).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Closed"
                                        cEc = cEc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Not"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 33).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Not Fixed"
                                        nfEc = nfEc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        csnf = csnf + 1
                                    Case "Fix"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 34).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Fixed"
                                        fEc = fEc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Rej"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 35).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Rejected"
                                        rjEc = rjEc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Ret"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 36).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Retest"
                                        rtEc = rtEc + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                End Select
                            Case "F"
                                Select Case Left(bstat, 3)
                                    Case "Ope"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 37).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Open"
                                        oFc = oFc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Clo"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 38).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Closed"
                                        cFc = cFc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Not"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 39).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Not Fixed"
                                        nfFc = nfFc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        csnf = csnf + 1
                                    Case "Fix"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 40).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Fixed"
                                        fFc = fFc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Rej"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 41).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Rejected"
                                        rjFc = rjFc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Ret"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 42).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Retest"
                                        rtFc = rtFc + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                End Select
                            Case "G"
                                Select Case Left(bstat, 3)
                                    Case "Ope"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 43).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Open"
                                        oGc = oGc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Clo"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 44).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Closed"
                                        cGc = cGc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Not"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 45).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Not Fixed"
                                        nfGc = nfGc + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        csnf = csnf + 1
                                    Case "Fix"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 46).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Fixed"
                                        fGc = fGc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Rej"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 47).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Rejected"
                                        rjGc = rjGc + 1
                                        consultantcount = consultantcount + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                    Case "Ret"
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 48).Value = 1
                                        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 4).Value = "Retest"
                                        rtGc = rtGc + 1
                                        actCnt = actCnt + 1
                                        clientcount = clientcount + 1
                                End Select
                        End Select
                    davNextRow = davNextRow + 1
                    End If
                End If
            Next 'history list loop
        Next 'bc (bug count loop)
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 5).Value = dateArray(intI)
        wsDactVol.Rows(davNextRow).Font.Bold = True
        wsDactVol.Rows(davNextRow).EntireRow.Interior.Color = RGB(204, 255, 204)
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 6).Value = actCnt
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 7).Value = oAc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 8).Value = cAc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 9).Value = nfAc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 10).Value = fAc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 11).Value = rjAc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 12).Value = rtAc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 13).Value = oBc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 14).Value = cBc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 15).Value = nfBc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 16).Value = fBc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 17).Value = rjBc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 18).Value = rtBc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 19).Value = oCc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 20).Value = cCc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 21).Value = nfCc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 22).Value = fCc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 23).Value = rjCc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 24).Value = rtCc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 25).Value = oDc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 26).Value = cDc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 27).Value = nfDc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 28).Value = fDc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 29).Value = rjDc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 30).Value = rtDc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 31).Value = oEc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 32).Value = cEc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 33).Value = nfEc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 34).Value = fEc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 35).Value = rjEc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 36).Value = rtEc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 37).Value = oFc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 38).Value = cFc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 39).Value = nfFc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 40).Value = fFc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 41).Value = rjFc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 42).Value = rtFc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 43).Value = oGc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 44).Value = cGc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 45).Value = nfGc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 46).Value = fGc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 47).Value = rjGc
        wsDactVol.Cells(davNextRow, 48).Value = rtGc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 1).Value = dateArray(intI)
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 2).Value = actCnt
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 3).Value = consultantcount
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 4).Value = clientcount
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 5).Value = oAc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 6).Value = cAc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 7).Value = nfAc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 8).Value = fAc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 9).Value = rjAc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 10).Value = rtAc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 11).Value = oBc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 12).Value = cBc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 13).Value = nfBc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 14).Value = fBc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 15).Value = rjBc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 16).Value = rtBc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 17).Value = oCc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 18).Value = cCc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 19).Value = nfCc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 20).Value = fCc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 21).Value = rjCc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 22).Value = rtCc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 23).Value = oDc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 24).Value = cDc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 25).Value = nfDc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 26).Value = fDc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 27).Value = rjDc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 28).Value = rtDc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 29).Value = oEc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 30).Value = cEc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 31).Value = nfEc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 32).Value = fEc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 33).Value = rjEc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 34).Value = rtEc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 35).Value = oFc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 36).Value = cFc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 37).Value = nfFc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 38).Value = fFc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 39).Value = rjFc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 40).Value = rtFc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 41).Value = oGc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 42).Value = cGc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 43).Value = nfGc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 44).Value = fGc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 45).Value = rjGc
        wsDActSumm.Cells(dasNextRow, 46).Value = rtGc
        summNextRow = summNextRow + 1
        davNextRow = davNextRow + 1
        dasNextRow = dasNextRow + 1
        consultantcount = 0
        clientcount = 0
        actCnt = 0
        oAc = 0
        oBc = 0
        oCc = 0
        oDc = 0
        oEc = 0
        oFc = 0
        oGc = 0
        cAc = 0
        cBc = 0
        cCc = 0
        cDc = 0
        cEc = 0
        cFc = 0
        cGc = 0
        nfAc = 0
        nfBc = 0
        nfCc = 0
        nfDc = 0
        nfEc = 0
        nfFc = 0
        nfGc = 0
        fAc = 0
        fBc = 0
        fCc = 0
        fDc = 0
        fEc = 0
        fFc = 0
        fGc = 0
        rjAc = 0
        rjBc = 0
        rjCc = 0
        rjDc = 0
        rjEc = 0
        rjFc = 0
        rjGc = 0
        rtAc = 0
        rtBc = 0
        rtCc = 0
        rtDc = 0
        rtEc = 0
        rtFc = 0
        rtGc = 0
    Next 'intI (datearray loop)
    'disconnect from TestDirector
    If tdc.Connected Then
        If tdc.ProjectConnected Then
        End If
    End If
    Application.StatusBar = "Disconnected from TestDirector."
    'set up Detailed Defect History page first row header
    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Defect ID"
    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(1, 2).Value = "GT&E Defect ID"
    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(1, 3).Value = "Detection Date"
    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(1, 4).Value = "Priority"
    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(1, 5).Value = "Summary"
    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(1, 6).Value = "Status"
    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(1, 7).Value = "Date Closed"
    wsDetailedHistory.Cells(1, 8).Value = "Date Status Changed"
    wsDetailedHistory.UsedRange.HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignCenter
    wsDetailedHistory.Columns("E").HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignLeft
    Set r1 = wsDetailedHistory.Rows(1)
    r1.WrapText = True
    wsDetailedHistory.UsedRange.Sort _
        key1:="Defect ID", _
        key2:="Date Status Changed", _
    wsDetailedHistory.PageSetup.CenterHeader = "Detailed Defect History"
    wsDetailedHistory.PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape
    wsDetailedHistory.PageSetup.PrintGridlines = True
    wsDetailedHistory.PageSetup.RightFooter = "&P/&N"
    wsDetailedHistory.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = wsDetailedHistory.Rows(1).Address
    Set r1 = wsStatSheet.Range("A1", "D1")
    r1.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    wsStatSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Running Defect Totals"
    Set r1 = wsStatSheet.Range("A2", "B2")
    r1.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    wsStatSheet.Cells(2, 1).Value = "By Status"
    Set r1 = wsStatSheet.Range("C2", "D2")
    r1.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    wsStatSheet.Cells(2, 3).Value = "By Priority"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(3, 1).Value = "Open"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(4, 1).Value = "Closed"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(5, 1).Value = "Not Fixed"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(6, 1).Value = "Fixed"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(7, 1).Value = "Rejected"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(8, 1).Value = "Retest"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(10, 1).Value = "Total"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(3, 3).Value = "A"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(4, 3).Value = "B"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(5, 3).Value = "C"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(6, 3).Value = "D"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(7, 3).Value = "E"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(8, 3).Value = "F"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(9, 3).Value = "G"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(10, 3).Value = "Total"
    Dim stopat As Long
    stopat = wsDActSumm.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For i = 2 To stopat
        oT = oT + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 5).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 11).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 17).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 23).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 29).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 35).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 41).Value
        cT = cT + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 6).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 12).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 18).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 24).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 30).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 36).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 42).Value
        nfT = nfT + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 7).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 13).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 19).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 25).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 31).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 37).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 43).Value
        fT = fT + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 8).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 14).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 20).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 26).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 32).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 38).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 44).Value
        rjT = rjT + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 9).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 15).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 21).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 27).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 33).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 39).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 45).Value
        rtT = rtT + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 10).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 16).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 22).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 28).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 34).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 40).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 46).Value
        totA = totA + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 5).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 6).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 7).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 8).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 9).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 10).Value
        totB = totB + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 11).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 12).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 13).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 14).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 15).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 16).Value
        totC = totC + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 17).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 18).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 19).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 20).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 21).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 22).Value
        totD = totD + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 23).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 24).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 25).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 26).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 27).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 28).Value
        totE = totE + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 29).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 30).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 31).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 32).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 33).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 34).Value
        totF = totF + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 35).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 36).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 37).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 38).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 39).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 40).Value
        totG = totG + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 41).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 42).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 43).Value + _
		wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 44).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 45).Value + wsDActSumm.Cells(i, 46).Value
    wsStatSheet.Cells(3, 2).Value = oT
    wsStatSheet.Cells(4, 2).Value = cT
    wsStatSheet.Cells(5, 2).Value = nfT
    wsStatSheet.Cells(6, 2).Value = fT
    wsStatSheet.Cells(7, 2).Value = rjT
    wsStatSheet.Cells(8, 2).Value = rtT
    wsStatSheet.Cells(10, 2).Value = oT + cT + nfT + fT + rjT + rtT
    wsStatSheet.Cells(3, 4).Value = totA
    wsStatSheet.Cells(4, 4).Value = totB
    wsStatSheet.Cells(5, 4).Value = totC
    wsStatSheet.Cells(6, 4).Value = totD
    wsStatSheet.Cells(7, 4).Value = totE
    wsStatSheet.Cells(8, 4).Value = totF
    wsStatSheet.Cells(9, 4).Value = totG
    wsStatSheet.Cells(10, 4).Value = totA + totB + totC + totD + totE + totF + totG
    Set r1 = wsStatSheet.Range("F1", "G1")
    r1.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    wsStatSheet.Cells(1, 6).Value = "Not Fixed Information"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(2, 6).Value = "Total Count"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(3, 6).Value = "Rework Pct."
    wsStatSheet.Cells(4, 6).Value = "Total NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(5, 6).Value = "1 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(6, 6).Value = "2 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(7, 6).Value = "3 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(8, 6).Value = "4 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(9, 6).Value = "5 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(10, 6).Value = "6 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(11, 6).Value = "7 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(12, 6).Value = "8 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(13, 6).Value = "9 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(14, 6).Value = "10 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(15, 6).Value = "11 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(16, 6).Value = "12 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(17, 6).Value = "13 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(18, 6).Value = "14 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(19, 6).Value = "15 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(20, 6).Value = "16 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(21, 6).Value = "17 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(22, 6).Value = "18 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(23, 6).Value = "19 NF"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(24, 6).Value = "20+ NF"

    Dim nfarray() As String
    ReDim nfarray(csnf)
    Dim nfcount As Long
    nfcount = 1
    Dim rwcnt As Long
    rwcnt = wsDetailedHistory.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For i = 1 To rwcnt
        If wsDetailedHistory.Cells(i, 6).Value = "Not Fixed" Then
            wsStatSheet.Cells(nfcount, 9).Value = wsDetailedHistory.Cells(i, 1).Value
            nfcount = nfcount + 1
        End If
    wsStatSheet.Cells(2, 7).Value = nfcount

    Dim curr As String
    curr = ""

    For i = 1 To wsStatSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
        curr = wsStatSheet.Cells(i, 9).Value
        If curr <> "" Then
            cnt = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(wsStatSheet.UsedRange, curr)
            Select Case cnt
                Case 1
                    onetime = onetime + 1
                Case 2
                    twotime = twotime + 1
                    i = i + 1
                Case 3
                    threetime = threetime + 1
                    i = i + 2
                Case 4
                    fourtime = fourtime + 1
                    i = i + 3
                Case 5
                    fivetime = fivetime + 1
                    i = i + 4
                Case 6
                    sixtime = sixtime + 1
                    i = i + 5
                Case 7
                    seventime = seventime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 8
                    eighttime = eighttime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 9
                    ninetime = ninetime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 10
                    tentime = tentime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 11
                    eleventime = eleventime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 12
                    twelvetime = twelvetime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 13
                    thirteentime = thirteentime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 14
                    fourteentime = fourteentime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 15
                    fifteentime = fifteentime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 16
                    sixteentime = sixteentime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 17
                    seventeentime = seventeentime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 18
                    eightteentime = eightteentime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 19
                    nineteentime = nineteentime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case 20
                    twentytime = twentytime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
                Case Else
                    twentytime = twentytime + 1
                    i = i + (cnt - 1)
            End Select
        End If
    wsStatSheet.Cells(4, 7).Value = onetime + twotime + threetime + fourtime + fivetime + sixtime + _
		seventime + eighttime + ninetime + tentime + eleventime + twelvetime + _
		thirteentime + fourteentime + fifteentime + sixteentime + seventeentime + _
		eightteentime + nineteentime + twentytime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(5, 7).Value = onetime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(6, 7).Value = twotime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(7, 7).Value = threetime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(8, 7).Value = fourtime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(9, 7).Value = fivetime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(10, 7).Value = sixtime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(11, 7).Value = seventime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(12, 7).Value = eighttime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(13, 7).Value = ninetime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(14, 7).Value = tentime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(15, 7).Value = eleventime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(16, 7).Value = twelvetime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(17, 7).Value = thirteentime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(18, 7).Value = fourteentime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(19, 7).Value = fifteentime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(20, 7).Value = sixteentime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(21, 7).Value = seventeentime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(22, 7).Value = eightteentime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(23, 7).Value = nineteentime
    wsStatSheet.Cells(24, 7).Value = twentytime
    For i = 1 To wsStatSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 'delete defect ID from Stat Sheet column 9
        wsStatSheet.Cells(i, 9).Value = ""
    Set r1 = wsStatSheet.Range("A13", "B13")
    r1.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    wsStatSheet.Cells(13, 1).Value = "By Status"
    Set r1 = wsStatSheet.Range("C13", "D13")
    r1.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    wsStatSheet.Cells(13, 3).Value = "By Priority"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(14, 1).Value = "Open"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(15, 1).Value = "Closed"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(16, 1).Value = "Not Fixed"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(17, 1).Value = "Fixed"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(18, 1).Value = "Rejected"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(19, 1).Value = "Retest"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(21, 1).Value = "Total"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(14, 3).Value = "A"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(15, 3).Value = "B"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(16, 3).Value = "C"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(17, 3).Value = "D"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(18, 3).Value = "E"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(19, 3).Value = "F"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(20, 3).Value = "G"
    wsStatSheet.Cells(21, 3).Value = "Total"
    Application.StatusBar = False
    'gives control of the statusbar back to the programme
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    'save to remote drive
    Dim destpath As String
    Dim localpath As String
    Dim svDate As String
    Dim fName As String
    Dim myDir As String
    fName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    destpath = "string showing the path to the directory on local/shared drive that stores file."
    svDate = Format(Date, "mmddyyyy")
    fName = destpath + "\" + svDate + "-" + fName
    'MsgBox (fName) 'debug
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs fName
    'sanity check: Open + Not* + Fixed + Closed = Total defects
    If wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 5) + wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 8) + wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 11) + _
	wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 14) <> wsSummary.Cells(summNextRow, 2) Then
        MsgBox ("There is a problem with the data. The sum of Open, Not Fixed, Fixed, and Closed is not equal to the Total Defects.")
        EmailProblemReport (fName)
        'email report to appropriate people.
        EmailReport (fName)
    End If
    'delete pages, save & Close document.
    wsStatSheet.Delete 'this page is created each day, so delete it from workbook.
    wsDetailedHistory.Delete 'this page is created each day, so delete it from workbook.
    Application.StatusBar = False

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    'clean up/release objects.
    Set r1 = Nothing
    Set hisRec = Nothing
    Set hisList = Nothing
    Set his = Nothing
    Set bgl = Nothing
    Set bgf = Nothing
    Set tdc = Nothing
    Set wsDactVol = Nothing
    Set wsDActSumm = Nothing
    Set wsSummary = Nothing
    Set wsDetailedHistory = Nothing
    Set wsStatSheet = Nothing
    If tdc.Connected Then
        If tdc.ProjectConnected Then
        End If
    End If

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox ("UpdateReport" & vbCrLf & "Error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description)
    End If
    Application.StatusBar = False
    Set r1 = Nothing
    Set hisRec = Nothing
    Set hisList = Nothing
    Set his = Nothing
    Set bgl = Nothing
    Set bgf = Nothing
    Set tdc = Nothing
    Set wsDactVol = Nothing
    Set wsDActSumm = Nothing
    Set wsSummary = Nothing
    Set wsDetailedHistory = Nothing
    Set wsStatSheet = Nothing
End Sub